Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Writing Conference or Bust

Reminder of Vacations:
I'm going to be out of touch from Wednesday, May 13 to Tuesday, June 2nd and will start to check email and get back into the swing of things on June 3rd. I'm going to the Colorado Christian Writing Conference (CCWC) in Estes Park and then going on a road trip with my husband.

Normally, I'm not a list girl. I might send myself email reminders, but I'm not a list girl. There are exceptions, however, to that rule. This is one of them. I am so excited about my two vacations that I don't want to forget anything. Therefore, I'm making lists and checking them not twice, but more like five or six times. (Just added to the list three times while I wrote this paragraph.)

I'm excited to be through this conference's preparation time. Thank God for that. It means I can focus less time on editing and more time on writing. I prefer the balanced approach of doing a little of both every day. But, a little more writing. Therefore, hang on tight when I get back. I'll be adding a lot more blogs about my latest projects and so on.

Thank You:
I just wanted to thank you for reading my blogs. Bless you. It means a great deal. I promise to be more focused on writing and life rather than on editing from here on out. No, that isn't true. The next conference is in September. So, September will bring more editing again, but from now until then, stay tuned for the crazy stories of Stacy moving from home state to another city in another state and leaving family, starting our family, and meeting new people.

If I can guarantee one thing about the upcoming blogs, they will make you laugh and shake your head (and maybe roll your eyes). I'm a hoot. I tend to do something or say something that is so, well, Stacy, that you'll see I'm one of a kind.

See. Just in this blog, you're seeing the less frazzled Stacy and are seeing the more laid back one who can freely laugh at herself because I often get myself into situations where there's nothing let to do but laugh.

Genesis' Lack of Patience:
I will keep doing blogs for you to read the story of Genesis every day. It's a book about marriage. Here's my hook for this book:

Hook: Does every marriage have what it takes to go the distance? Aubrey says, "Yes!" The question is: "Do you?"

In our age of divorce at the drop of a hat, I tackle the issue of how to fight for your marriage even in the middle of infidelity, video game addiction, and suicide. It's a rather heavy book, but it inspires you to cherish your marriage and become best friends with your spouse.

Take care.

Stacy Duplease

Monday, May 11, 2009

Genesis' Lack of Patience #3

Chapter 1 Cont.:

"Trust your heart. Rule number two. Your heart won't ever steer you wrong. You just need to listen. That's my overall answer. However, my more specific answer is that you know what you're really supposed to do. Sometimes, what our heart desires may not make sense and may mean great risk. It can't be denied. There is great risk. Nevertheless, our heart will never steer us wrong. So, sometimes, we need to dream big and take even bigger risks. You know what you're supposed to do from here. Seek it. It will happen and it will be the best thing you've ever done." Anna tried to reassure her granddaughter.

She knew what Granny Anna said was true. There was great merit to be found there. It didn’t help her, though, in the immediate. Aubrey's head felt crammed full of wisdom and advice. She wasn't sure what to do with the information at this point and needed time to sort through everything. She was given a lot to deal with by both Jerry and Anna. And that didn’t even include dealing with her emotional reaction to the situation once and for all. "Thanks, Gran. I know what you say is true. I just need to think and be for a while."

"Baby girl, what has your dream always been? Your real dream and not the one you decided on because it was safe?"

Aubrey was flabbergasted by the loaded question. Usually her grandmother didn’t approach a situation at such an angle. Aubrey was taken aback. "I'm not sure what you're referring to, Granny."

Anna was ever more pointed now. "Oh, don't play scatterbrained with me, Aubrey. You know precisely what I mean."

Aubrey was dumbfounded. She tried to think of what Granny Anna referred to and why, but to no avail. "I seriously have no idea."

"You've always wanted to write. So, why don't you?" Anna tried to put it as simply as she could.

Sure enough, Granny Anna was right. Aubrey recognized how far she had moved from her dream. Why? Why did she try to play it safe? What kind of impact has this had on her life? "You're absolutely correct." Her voice sounded surprised and rather shocked by the realization. It hadn't come to her mind in so long now that she couldn’t recall when it first began.

"The question is: What are you going to do about it? Are you going to run from it because of the high risk and your fear? Or, are you going to run to it and see where your journey might take you?" Anna tried to build her granddaughter up and give her a sense of encouragement.

Aubrey thought about what her grandmother asked. They were tough questions and forced her to contemplate what Anna said. She wasn’t sure how to respond. “I’ll think about it.”

“What are you going to do from here? What are you going to think about?” Anna’s voice sounded amused.

Why did her Granny sound like that? “I have no idea.” Aubrey was confused and was not sure what her grandmother wanted from her.

“I remember when I knew this little girl who would sit still, without moving from her seat, for hours upon hours because she had a story to write. Whatever happened to her? Where is that girl?” Anna asked Aubrey.

She had forgotten about those days. Wow. How did she? It was her dream for years. Aubrey wanted to write novels and wrote several novellas as a child. When she was a teenager, she tried to write several novels, but never finished any of them. She would get to the point she was almost finished, but then she wouldn’t because she would get another idea. She was a fount of ideas and couldn’t keep up with them.

Aubrey stopped trying to write the GAN (Great American Novel) after her Freshman English college professor told her she needed to stop. Professor Eggert informed her how she might find it better to be an editor rather than a writer because she was not very good at it. He really hurt her in the process.

No. That was not entirely true. It didn’t simply hurt her. She was destroyed. Consequently. Aubrey put down the pen and stopped her pursuit of the GAN. If she stunk, she didn’t want to embarrass herself or waste anyone’s time. She shifted her focus because of it.

Yes. She was shattered.

What's Your Dream?

We all have them. What's your dream?

I'm not wanting to sound too much like the movie, "Pretty Woman." However, seriously. What dreams do you have?

What have you done in the last month to bring them to fruition? How about the last couple of weeks? Week? Weekend? Today?

I pray you can say that you've done a great deal in each of the above increments to make your dream come true. Otherwise, why dream?

If you've stopped dreaming, then that begs the question. Why? Life is challenging enough without giving up on a dream. Never give up. Aim for the stars. Dream and dream big.

Why should I dream? You may ask.

It colors our lives. It makes them more fulfilling. It brings purpose. Moreover, you have nothing to lose in dreaming and trying to make it come true.

There are no such things as an impossible dreams. Every dream can come true. The only limitations we have on our dreams are self. We sabotage our dreams, make them so lofty no one could bring them to pass, or we are so set on failure that we make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, dream. Dream big. Your life can be brighter, have purpose, and can put a little spring into your step.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Genesis' Lack of Patience #2

Chapter 1 Continued:

"Precisely. With faith and tenacity, you can get through anything. I mean it, too. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems." It was another reminder to Aubrey. Anna was deliberate with her words and made them count.

Aubrey realized what Granny Anna stated was truth. She was right. However, it was Aubrey's habit to doubt things, and worry, when she faced a difficult situation. It was a bad habit and it never served her well at all. Yet, she still insisted on worrying and doubting. "I know." How could she actually apply this rule to her life? What did it look like in practice?
Anna didn’t say anything for a moment. "When are you finished with your classes?"

"In two weeks." Aubrey wondered why her grandmother asked this question.

"That's good to know. And, your graduation is in a month?"

"Yes." Aubrey waited for an explanation.

"When were you going to start at the publishing company?"

"In three months. I wanted the summer off so I could have some time for myself before I started to work. But, that wasn't what cost me the job. They said they were going to hire around the first of the year. I was going to have to do some temporary work until then and after I took the summer off, Gran."

"Huh." The way Anna said the exclamation let Aubrey know her grandmother had a thought she pondered.

Aubrey was curious. "What is it?"

"It seems to me you have some time to try to find yourself, then, my girl."

Aubrey tried not to be offended, but found it a challenge. "I know who I am. Why would I need to find myself?"

"That's not what I meant, Aubrey." Anna's voice sounded firm and it commanded Aubrey's undivided attention. "You've been in school for decades. You’ve put all of your eggs in that one basket. I firmly believe that door was shut because there is another opportunity for you. There's another plan or purpose. The questions I have are these: Are you going to remain open another possibility? And, will you try to find out the real plan God has for your life? Or, are you going to keep insisting on your own plan in spite of what the Lord might desire?"

Ouch. Anna could be brutal with her wisdom at times. It was meant to be helpful and not to cause pain, Aubrey was well aware. Nonetheless, it didn't mean Granny Anna's words didn't sting from time to time. "What do you think I'm supposed to do, then, Granny?"

"Trust your heart. Rule number two. Your heart won't ever steer you wrong. You just need to listen. That's my overall answer. However, my more specific answer is that you know what you're really supposed to do. Sometimes, what our heart desires may not make sense and may mean great risk. It can't be denied. There is great risk. Nevertheless, our heart will never steer us wrong. So, sometimes, we need to dream big and take even bigger risks. You know what you're supposed to do from here. Seek it. It will happen and it will be the best thing you've ever done." Anna tried to reassure her granddaughter.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms. May it be a blessed one. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Genesis' Lack of Patience #1

Here's the first installment of Genesis' Lack of Patience, Chapter 1:

AUBREY MANCEAUX FELT LIKE SHE had been kicked in the gut. She fell forward in agony. Then she felt as though someone took their elbow and jabbed her back with it. It was as though she was kicked while she was already down. She found out she didn’t get the job with the West Finlaw Publishing House. The double slam resulted when she discovered that her ex-boyfriend, Tyler Kylberg, got the position she knew was hers.

Aubrey was about to complete her Masters Degree in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. The publishing company was to be her dream-come-true; her top pick for her career of choice. She wanted to be an editor for a publishing company and working for West Finlaw was her only dream. It had been for the last ten years. However, it was now her shattered dream and she felt all the pain that went with such a huge disappointment.

How had Tyler gotten that job when he had far less experience than she and had a far less GPA than she had? Her letters of recommendation were superior as well. This whole episode was a mystery to her. She didn’t think it was fair and it hurt how he had decided to go for the position at all. When they were together, working for West Finlaw was all she ever talked about. Tyler was not interested in it at all. So, why had he applied? How was it that he was the one accepted?

Up to this point, she was guaranteed the position so she hadn't applied for another job anywhere else. The president of the company, Jerry, accepted her for the position, informally, and told her he would make the official announcement at this time. She just needed to wait three months before he announced his decision.

What happened? Why had it changed?

What made Jerry Finlaw change his mind and give the job to someone else? Had Tyler betrayed her even more than she ever realized? Was there something wrong with her? Had Jerry betrayed her? Had she failed somehow? In what way? Why did the West Finlaw Publishing house not find her worthy enough to hire her?

How was she going to break the news to her family? This was probably the most agonizing question of all.

Or, maybe it was the question of what was she supposed to do now which caused her the most agony. She needed a job and needed to make money in order to eat, have a place to live, and start her life at last. Aubrey had been in school since she was four years old. She was now 25. Was her 21 years of education now for nothing? In her mind and heart at that moment it seemed so.

Why did life have to hurt so much sometimes? And why did it have to be so complicated?

Before she could arrive at any conclusions, her cell rang and she glanced at the screen. Great. It was her grandmother, Anna. If there was anything she was sure of in this life, it was that she couldn’t hide her emotions from her grandmother. Her Granny knew her well and knew when she was upset. However, Aubrey also couldn’t exactly hold her emotions in when she spoke with the woman who meant so much to her. Anna always made everything better in her world. Granny was her rock of support.

Should she ignore the call so she didn't have to deal with the family yet? She wasn't sure what she thought about the whole thing yet. Consequently, she wasn't sure if she should answer Granny Anna's call or not.

At the last possible second before the call would go to voice-mail, Aubrey decided to answer the phone. "Hello?" She decided to play dumb at this point and hoped her voice didn't give Anna the impression of how upset she felt.

"Hello, my angel." The moment Aubrey heard her Granny's voice, she felt the strong connection between them. It made her feel foolish for wanting to ignore the call.

Anna continued, "I had the sense you needed me and could use some TLC, prayer, love, and support. Are you okay?" Anna was always perceptive; needless to say, it didn’t surprise Aubrey when she said it.

Aubrey was well aware of the cause. She didn’t need to ask her grandmother how she knew she was hurt. Anna always just seemed to know. After all, she was a woman of prayer. This was no exception. When an individual is close to God, he gives him or her great insight and discernment. "I'm not well at all, Granny, truth be known." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

"What is it, dear?" Anna sounded concerned. Aubrey didn't mean to upset her Granny, but her emotions betrayed her in that moment.

Where should Aubrey start? It was a rather long story, but she realized if she made it too long, Granny Anna would be troubled by the time she was done telling the story. Consequently, Aubrey summed it up as much as she could. "Well Granny, in a nutshell, I didn't get the job for West Finlaw." She tried to keep her voice flat and not express too much at this point. She wanted to summarize the situation and not keep her Granny's tension too high.

There was a long pause before Anna responded to the news. "Oh, no."
"Yeah." Aubrey thought how her grandmother’s reaction was a little too short and sweet. "It's pretty lousy."

"I can’t imagine how you must feel. What a letdown." Anna shared some of her own reactions to the same situation.

Aubrey felt better when she heard the concern in her Granny's voice. "It is."
"How can that man do that to you? He promised you the position." Granny Anna's voice displayed her confusion.

Aubrey took a couple of deep breaths and tried not to be overwhelmed by her strong emotions from her Granny's question. "Jerry Finlaw broke his promise, pure and simple. I have no idea why. I feel like I've been hit up-side the head with a baseball bat. I was betrayed and wonder why. Did I do something wrong?"

Aubrey's tone made it clear to Anna how upset Aubrey was from this new turn of events. "It's what you do with it that counts, dear. You know that."
Aubrey didn’t need the lecture. She recognized the truth in Anna's words.

Nonetheless, Aubrey felt as though she needed to deal with her emotions and let them go. Once she did that, she could try to make some sense of it all. "Tyler got the job, Granny." She realized this admission would silence her grandmother as it did her as Anna would go into shock for a moment.

"Excuse me?" She sought clarification.

"Tyler was the one they gave the position to and I know for a fact he never wanted it. I'm far more qualified. How is this happening, Gran? What does it mean? And, what am I supposed to do now?" She was fearful. Aubrey thought she had her life figured out, the direction it would take, and who she was as an individual. However, she was not sure of any of it at the present.

Anna boiled the situation down for her. "What's the first rule?"

"To always keep the faith no matter what. To never be swayed, to never give up or in, to believe, have hope, and be active in faith," Aubrey recited. This was the lesson Anna pounded into their family from day one. She wanted to make sure they knew the rule of thumb. It was the rule from which they were never to stray or deviate.

"Precisely. With faith and tenacity, you can get through anything. I mean it, too. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems." It was another reminder to Aubrey. Anna was deliberate with her words and made them count.

Check List for Conference

Wow. Four days and counting for the Colo. Christian Writers Conference (CCWC). Yikes! My heart begins to race in excitement and nervousness. Presenting five novels to publishers is a little--overwhelming. Will I be able to keep them straight in my mind? I've decided to bring a one-page proposal to help me with this endeavor.

I need to:
A. Finish editing Tanpres (and come up with a new name for it).
B. Re-read Cammi's Story
C. Print out my proposals
D. Print out the first 50 pages of each times three copies.
E. Work on my pitches.
F. Do some housecleaning.
G. Bathe the beagle. (Lord, help him. Anything with grooming, he despises. Claws, bath, and brushing. He prefers to be an old smelly dog.)
H. Pack for conference.
I. Get some writing and blogging done, too.
J. I'll take lots of pictures while I'm at the conference and will share them with you.
K. Call my mom and grandmother on Mom's day.
L. Drink more coffee.
M. Pray a lot about the CCWC. Not just for myself, but for fellow writers and everyone involved in the conference.

Huh. Better get to the list and Tanpres.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Movie to See

Drat! I keep forgetting to mention this... I saw an incredible, life-changing and life-enriching movie last night. I highly advise seeing it. I will buy it the first chance I can so I can see it repeatedly. The movie is, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." I am not a Brad Pitt fan by any means, but I cannot give this film enough praise.

(Another Mom's Day suggestion.)

Blessings of Friends and Mothers

Isn't it amazing how spending time with a good friend can turn your life around, center you, and bring things into proper perspective? It's the same with moms and mother figures (with Mother's Day coming up and all).

I had the pleasure of spending the night with a good friend last night and had a nice slumber party. It does not matter your age, by the way. We talked and talked. It was precisely what I needed. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the last push for the CCWC in less than five days now (gulp!).

When was the last time you had a slumber party with your mom? Now, there's an idea for a Mother's Day gift! Go stay at a nice hotel. Talk and talk. Enjoy.

Seriously, though. What a blessing we have in this life to have a true friend. If your life feels out of alignment, it might be because you need some time with your special friend or mom-figure.

Have a great evening!

Shackled in Dungeon

I've shackled myself in my dungeon and won't see the light of day until next Wednesday. I kept getting too sidetracked upstairs with the sunshine, blue skies, trees, birds, flowers, and grass. Beagle is still snuggled at my feet, but the lack of windows only add to my focus. There are times you have to admit to your limitations and Spring appears to be mine. I'm having to wear a jacket since it's 20 degrees cooler, but the sacrifices we have to make for writing...

I will try to hurry and get some editing done and do a real blog. But, for now, know that I'm freezing and shackled to my chair at my computer and desk. It's self-preservation really as I try to ready myself for the Colorado Christian Writers Conference. At least Beagle is sacrificing with me, so I'm not too lonely (still a little sidetracked, but not as much).

Have a great day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Books I'm Writing and Editing

I decided to provide you with another list of my works.

The books I've written, will present at the writing conference next week, and am editing are:
* Cammi's Story (see Spec Lit blog)
* Genesis' Lack of Patience
* Demarcations
* The Murder of Owen Knight
* Tanpres (pending new title) (see Spec Lit blog)

The books I'm currently writing are:
* January's Lasting Legacy (see Mom blog)
* Moments of Sacred Longing
* Zeagar (see Spec Lit blog)
* Whatever is True

The books I will work on soon:
* Ramey's Story (Book 2 after Cammi)
* Book 2 of Genesis
* Book 2 of Murder of Owen
* Book 2 of Tanpres
* Book 2 of Demarcations


Starting in June, I will share all of them with you in my blogs--from page one to end of book over a year or so...

All Over the Place

I'm all over the place at the moment right now between my writing and editing. I feel almost ADD because of it. I'm not entirely sure of the cause. Is it because I am so excited (yet nervous) about the Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC) in Estes Park 5/13-5/16? Is it because Estes Park is one of my favorite places on the planet and I cannot wait to get centered there? Is it because I'm presenting five books while I'm there, or meeting other writers, or the classes and speakers? I think it's all of the above.

I also think I'm all over the place because I'm going on vacation with my husband and best friend for two weeks. I need some time away from it all. I won't be blogging, writing, editing, checking email, etc. Nothing. Just enjoying our time together and seeing the beautiful land of the free, home of the brave. It's a road trip, after all.

Although, I'm concerned about beagle. Zack is a mama's boy. He's gotten used to me being home all the time now. Furthermore, I'm making him nervous with my packing to move, so his world is a little askew at the moment. (I haven't even told him he's going to get a baby brother in a couple of months, a baby boy kitten. Beagles love to chase cats.)

I also think I'm all over the place because of the move. I'm leaving Colorado for Nebraska in a month and a half and it's a mixed bag for me. I'm excited for the new beginning, a new home, and meeting new people. I'm also excited for being alone with my husband for a while. But, I'm a third generation Colorado native and am leaving my family and friends behind. The one aspect that brings me comfort is the fact that Omaha is an 8-hour drive.

1. I'm still working on January's Lasting Legacy. I've re-started it... AGAIN, though.
2. I'm also working on Zeagar... Also re-started it again.
3. Moments of Sacred Longing: A reflection on faith and how to apply it to live today.
4. Whatever is True: A romance novel about an ultra-conservative blogger named Duncan and the war, Carly, declared on him. She's ultra-liberal. And, they end up falling in love. How do you merge two lives so different together? And, should you? Is it possible?

James Patterson's Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment (Book 1)

Schindler's List

Have a blessed day!

Stacy Duplease

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Question on Blogs

I am still debating on doing another blog... On journaling. But, I'm also debating one on patriotism.

Would any of you read either one of them? Let me know. Drop me an email or leave a comment, please.



Even though a blog is in essense a journal, there are somethings that I personally don't want to put out there on the internet that I know can haunt me for the rest of my life because the internet makes things permanent. My journal is one of those facets. I might share stuff with you, but trust me... My deepest parts are only meant to be shared with my best friend, my close friends, and my journal.


I know a couple people in my life who have problems with their memory. Therefore, I've learned through them how critical it is to put stuff down on paper (or in a computer file) in order to make it a lasting legacy. I don't want to lose my memories. I want them to be carried into other generations. I want my hard life lessons learned to be something they can learn from vicariously and hopefully save the anguish I've had to go through in my life.

I also journal in order to vent. Sometimes, we need just to get it out and I call this cathartic practice, Throwing Up on Paper. (Please forgive the reference, but it makes a strong point.) After all, there are times once I empty my stomach, I feel a billion times better and probably better than I had in a long time. It's the same with journalkeeping. Sometimes, I just have to get it all out of my system and throw several temper-tantrums with my pen, but them I am far better on the other end. Also, I tend to be less emotional drive those closet to me a little less nuts.

I write my thoughts down on new book ideas, how to break through with old book ideas, and write storyline in my journal.

Some call it a gratitude journal. For me, it's where I count my blessings instead of sheep, as the song goes from "White Christmas".

That's something I'm about to start since I'm going to do a great deal more traveling in my life. Plus, it will document memories and my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Do You Journal?
One thing I know for sure is my life would be DRASTICALLY different if not for my journaling through the years. I would not be the woman I am, the wife I am, or the writer I am if not for my journals.

So, tell me. Do you journal? Do you want to start? Do you want instruction with journaling? Let me know.

Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Finished Editing Owen, CCWC, and Dreams

I just finished editing, again, my book: The Murder of Owen Knight. I'm feeling rather triumphant at the moment and will next move to edit two of my fantasy books. (Refer to www.speclitstoriesbystacy.blogspot.com/) I'm also to the point that I cannot wait for the Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC) in Estes Park.

The CCWC is from 3/13 to 3/16. I'm going up for the early-bird sessions and cannot wait to make the drive from Denver to Estes Park. It's extraordinary. The scenery in Estes Park is out of this world beautiful and means that even though it's a conference, and very busy, it's also a retreat. I went last year for the first time. The two previous years, I went to the Writing for the Soul Conference at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs.

The networking, gaining more friends, the classes, and pitching to publishers makes it all worthwhile and memorable.

Then, after the conference, I'm going on a two week vacation with my husband. So, I'm a rather busy woman at this point.

However, this reminds me of some thoughts about dreams.


I can't help but think of Disney and Jimmy the Cricket and, "When You Wish Upon a Star," when I think about dreams. Dreams are magical--particularly when you have fought for years to make them come true. But, man, do they take hard work, constant dedication, and feeding the fire of the dream to make sure it never dies no matter what adversity comes your way.

What dreams do you have?

Whether it's writing, becoming a mom, getting married, going to college, or anything else of fill in the blank, dreams take work. Lots of it. Hard work. Isn't this the very spice that makes dreams so wonderful when they do come true?

How many dreams have you fought for daily until they finally, after years and years, came true?

Or, have you stopped dreaming because you doubted it and yourself too much or got bored with it? Or, have you grown tired from having to try so hard for so long?

Where are you on your journey?

Fight for them. Strive to make them real. They're worth every sweat bead, every tear, and every cent. Dream big and see how incredible it is when you get to the other side of the fight and start to see the fruits of your labor start to pay off.

You're worth the fight.

Dream. Dream Big. See it through.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer and Support

I hope that this blog can also be a way to help people connect and pray for one another and to support one another. Do you have any prayer requests? Let me know.


What motivates you? What keeps you plugging along when times are difficult? What keeps you after your dream?

Let me know your thoughts on the subject.

For me, my faith and patriotism are what make me passionate about life. They help motivate me in difficult times and are what bring me joy when I'm going through a happier time. If it was not for my faith, I definitely would not be the woman I am, doing what I am, or writing what I do.

What keeps me after my dream? My faith and my husband's prodding when I need it.

What keeps me editing when my eyes go blurry? Lots of breaks so I don't miss anything.


Does anyone want to form an online writing group? Let me know. I would love to start one of our own where it's all led by one another. What do you think?

Editing, Editing, Editing

My blog will be updated later today. I'm in the middle of trying to get editing done in preparation for the CCWC next Wednesday. Thanks for your patience. I hope you had a great weekend!

Thought for the day for Christians: Luke 9:23

For others: Be the sunlight in the lives of those around you. Be a fresh of breath air. Be the bright spot, even when you feel like you have a thunderstorm hanging over your head.


Stacy Duplease

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Slow Down

It's the weekend. Finally. I cannot help but think about how busy our lives are nowadays. Why do we think that a busy schedule gives us worth and validates our existence? How silly is that? We're worn-out, stressed to the core, weary, and tired. Yet, we still push ourselves. We have to do it all. We refuse to rest.

How different our lives would be if we stopped to smell the daisies, tiptoed through the tulips, and sat on our patio to enjoy the fruits of Spring. Make it your priority to SLOW DOWN your schedule so that you can actually enjoy life for a bit. So, you don't die an earlier death. So, you can be more fulfilled and happy.

Slow down. Curl up with your pet, a cup of coffee or tea, and a book (or maybe blogs like this). Journal maybe for a while. But, stop. Halt. Rest. You don't have to be busy. Enjoy the blessing of the life you've been given it and don't squander it with busyness.

Rest for a while. It's okay.

(For the record, this is as much for me as it for any of you.)

Enjoy your weekend.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Demarcations Book Proposal

Book Proposal

WORKING TITLE: Demarcations (Book 1 of the Sacred, Colorado Series)

THEMES: New Beginnings, Love, Living a Dream, and Community.

LENGTH: Approx. 97,000 words * 24 chapters

HOW DIFFERS: It’s a multi-generational novel where the grandmother was estranged from Sara and her siblings and how they get to know each other in a small town. The characters of the town, and the communal aspect they bring, along with the prospects of the Bradford family starting anew, makes it different from other novels.

MARKET: Church, chapel, and internet (including three blogs and Twitter).

BIO: Married to my best friend without 2-legged children, but have a Beagle. Work full time as a novelist. Have two blogs that I try to keep up with daily. Addicted to coffee, tea, counting-calories, and exercise. Avid reader.

AVAILABILITY: Available immediately via disc or emailed in Word 97-2003 or Word 2007.

SUMMARY: Sara moves to Sacred, Colorado, a small mountain town, in order to start over and get to know her Grandmother Mable for the first time. Therefore, this is a book about a relationship between the two. Neither one of Sara’s parents are still living and she went through several hardships recently. Therefore, she needed a change of scenery anyway. Sara meets several new friends in town and rents a house and a building for a café and bookstore from Jarett. He also provides her a romance and he fixes up her places since he’s in the construction field. He even surprises her by fixing up a place for her siblings, Mick and Jackie, to stay when they move to town. Mable, her sweet Nanna, is arrested for assault with a rolling pin. The same incident brought Sara’s arrest as well. Both incidents only make life a little more colorful for Sara’s new beginning. Sara is also surprised when her Christian Nanna has a relationship with a local bar owner. The friends she makes in town, along with other townies, make this a lively novel with words of wisdom from Nanna’s journal scattered throughout the novel. The book closes with a cliffhanger where Sara’s older brother pretends to be married to a townie he just met recently.