Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Blog

I have a new blog at:

This blog has been discontinued. Please refer to new blog on Monday, 19 October 2009. Thank you. Have a great day.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Self-Examination, Feeling Lost, & Wanting to Live an Abundant Life by Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

From time to time, it's important to stop and self-examine or self-analyze. I find that I need to work on healing from the past (as well as learning from it), refocus on my present purpose, and reprioritize my future goals from time to time. If I don't, I lose my way and in turn tend to lose myself. It's critical to analyze the past and learn from it. If we don't, everythng we went through was in vain and we learn nothing from it. Our past influences who we are today. It can either be a companion or an enemy. I'd rather the past be a companion, I don't know about you.

Where did you come from?

What experiences can you draw from today and help make today better because of it?

What are your present objectives?

What is your purpose?

What do you want your future to look like?

What do you need to change in the present in order to live your purpose and fulfill your future dreams?

I don't know about you, but I want to live an abundant life--full and spiritually centered. I want to live a life of love, joy, and goodness. How can I live today to see this happen? What goals can I set in the future to help me to live abundantly?

Take a couple of days to think about your life. Are you headed where you want to head? Having said that, are you headed in the direction to fulfill your life's purpose? Do you even know what your life's purpose is?

Analyze your life. Take time to self-examine. It's very worthwhile.

Christians, check out my continuation of this blog post at:

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Monday, September 14, 2009

NaNoWriMo Participation

Look what I just decided... I decided to take place in that National November Writing Month where you write a book of 50,000 words in one month.

I'll keep you informed about my status.

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

The Real Me, Writing, Vacation, and Forgetting & Remembering 9/11

Facing The Real Me
I tried to keep politics out of my blog for now, along with religion, and military/war. However, I realize I cannot. I hope that you will still read this and will send comments about your thoughts on the subjects. We don't have to all agree. However, I will try to be as "Gentle" as I can about them. I never want to cram my beliefs down anyone's throat. That's not right.

I'm a Christ-Follower, I'm to the right as far as politics, and I'm a supporter of the GWOT (Global War on Terror). There. It's out there. You guessed most of it already, I'm sure. But, as far as my writing goes. I focus on Christ and the family. My books are focused on each. Sometimes Christ is to the forefront. Sometimes, He's the theme that runs behind the words on the page.

I wasn't sure how to put this, so I decided to be straightforward about it. I hope you understand.

I will keep the "in your face" or "bold" Christian comments, though, to my sacred blog.

Writing and Vacation
My writing was non-existant last week since my mom came in for a visit. So, I hope to get it on track today and tomorrow--only to go back to Denver Wednesday the 16th of September through Monday the 21st. Bear with my blog posts. It's the same thing there. I will hopefully get serious about my writing and blog posts again on 9/21.

So, again, I'll be gone 9/16 to 9/21.

Forgetting 9/11

It seems our nation has forgotten 9/11. And is in ACTIVE, INTENTIONAL denial that this is the case.

Proof? Drive around. How many cars have the American flag on them? How about houses?

How many of us think of or pray for the families and friends of those who were murdered that day in an act that declared war on the USA?

How many of us pray for the soldiers at war daily?

How many of us grab hold of the banner, "Peace" or "Co-Exist?"

UBL (Usama bin Laden) just released another tape. On it, he reminds us why he has problems with the USA. he states our support for the country of Israel is what incites his violence on us.

How have we forgotten? There's Charlie Sheen. Groups that say the USA government caused 9/11. And so on. We have forgotten. As a nation. Some individuals have. As a nation we have.

If people remembered 9/11, Three and a Half Men would not be on the air--and would not be as popular as it is.

The Freedom Tower would have been built well before now if people would have taken a stand and called and written everyone responsible for getting it built. Just another example. Since it hasn't been, it shows how we've forgotten.

We assume that we no longer at war--even though UBL just reminded us today this is not the case. We also assume that we should not be at war. again, UBL just reminded us today that this is not the case in the new video.

Our soldiers would get a lot more support than they do now and people would stop listening to the news because of all the lies the news feed us about the real state of the war and about the extremist Islamists out there.

Our goverment would NOT be what it is today if people remembered 9/11.

I'm sorry to stir things up, but to ignore the problem in order not to stir things up only adds to the problem.

Remembering 9/11
9/11 was a day that still holds great importance and always will--much like 12/7/1941--Pearl Harbor. Our country was changed dramatically because of both events. People died on those days and becuase of those days afterward. Both were followed by war. We could not allow any American to die in vain when war was delcared on our country. May God be with all the victims' families and friends. You are remembered in my house daily and pray for you.

Misc. 9/11 Thoughts
What have you actively done today to remember 9/11 and the soldiers who have fought because of it since? (Wow. That hits home.)

Let's pray for our nation. Let's pray that we remember that people on 9/11 died and people have died since in the wars because of 9/11. It was all because of three aspects:
1. We're not a Muslim nation (in the extremist's eyes).
2. We support Israel (a democratic nation).
3. Radical muslims think that Allah cannot return until all infidels are dead. (The radicals define infidel as anyone who does not believe in their radical views--and this includes many moderate Muslims.)

Have any of these changed? No. We could be hit again by these radical terrorists. We've let out guard down.

Freedom does not come free. It does not jsut happen by accident. Rather, it costs. Men and women fight wars to defend our freedom. We would not be the same today of not for those who have made the great sacrifice. You are not forgotten. Thank you.

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Renewal of Rain by Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Rain. The sound of the pitter patter brings such a serenity. A peace. A calm. A feeling of tranquility.

I could watch it for hours. It puts me in a contemplative state of mind and I'm forced to center myself. The beauty of it leaves me without choice. It's a symbol of renewal--and life afterward. Rain brings life.

For me, rain makes me want to hole myself up inside and not come out. Hence, even though I also want to curl up and read a book, that means it's very productive for me. I get a lot of writing and reading done, as I have today.

It also makes me reflective. Very reflective and contemplative.

What in my life needs to be washed? Cleansed? Washed away?

What in my life needs to be watered?

I need to take the opportunity to slow down for a day. To have rest. To have a Sabbath.

What in my life needs healing?

What in my life needs refreshment?

When I slow down, is it to bring me closer to God and give me time to pray?

What are your thoughts?

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

All Over The Place: Focus by Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

Ever have one of those days where you're all over the place? When you get a lot done, but it's all a little here and a little there. Today is one of those days for me.

When I feel like this mentally, it tends to transcend and infiltrate other parts of my life. That's what it's done with my work today. It's moments like this I realize I need to stop. Rest. Re-focus. Focus on what's most important. I need to re-analyze things and make sure I'm focusing on what matters.

I desire nothing more than a single-minded focus on what is important and on what matters. For me, it's on God, my husband, and my writing. God must be above all else, though.

How about you? What do you need to re-focus and what is your most important focus?

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Updates About Editing and Writing Projects of Stacy Duplease and Stories by Stacy

Vacation/Time Off First of all, I'm going to be gone the week of 07 September-13 September 2009. I'll be back on Monday 14 September 2009. My mom's coming to visit and we're going to play and see the sights of Omaha, Nebraska.

It looks like I'm a madwoman thinking I can do 8 blogs. Time is a very precious commodity and I enjoy spending time with my husband and getting writing done. (Call me silly.) We shall see. For now, my main blogs are:

The sacred one is my Christian-based blog.

I'll blog about the other stuff: journaling, writing, mom stuff, marriage stuff, patriotic stuff, and spec lit stuff in both of the above. When I can, I'll add to the other blogs, but I need to be realistic. I don't want to kill myself or you.

Updates About Editing Projects
I am still editing "Cammi's Story" and "Demarcations" and will put them both on this blog when I am able to again. Then, once I am done editing, I'll publish them. My guess is two more months.

Updates About Writing Projects
Forget all the other stuff I've said I was working on the past. They all got moved to the backburner for now. I need my ideas to stew and simmer sometimes. (Okay, a lot of times.) These are my present projects:

"An Easy Faith: A 50-Day Study Guide" from the series: Putting God in the Every Day Series. It's a Bible study. Hence, is non-fiction.

My fiction project is: "The Best of Darci Thompson: Saying I Do to the Best Man." It's about a woman who gives up on men and decides to marry God and she blogs about it. I tell her tale.

Also, don't forget to check out my new website at:

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy & Publishing by Stacy

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Sacred Nature of Marriage

I went on a marriage enrichment retreat with my husband this weekend. We had a very blessed time. What we heard was not anything new, but we re-learned some lessons we had forgotten. I have a marriage blog and will share more information there at:

But, for now, I want to share some thoughts here on this blog and in this post.

Marriage is a sacred relationship. It is meant to be set apart, holy, and special.

How many of us would say that about marriage?

Fill in the blank. Marriage is: ______________

Stop. Did you do a backhanded comment or did you turn it to something positive? For example: Did you say something like, marriage is a ride you get stuck on, with ups and downs, and can never get off. That's backhanded. If you did say something like that, how's your marriage?

Marriage is supposed to be sacred. It's us who allows it to become something ugly. Why do we do that? Why do we actively and intentionally choose ugly over sacred?

I was divorced years ago and am now remarried. I know about making marriage something ugly. So, this is me looking in the mirror and not casting stones. Just trying to make you think in a fresh way.

Think today of ways to make your marriage sacred, special, holy, and set apart again. You can reshape your marriage today, if you so choose. Or, think today of how to make it more sacred, holy...

Two bodies join and go from an "I" to an "us"...

You can't get too much more sacred than that.

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Huge Favor from My Readers

So I can keep track of who's reading this blog, can you please send me a comment, sign up as a reader, or drop me an email? I would really appreciate it. If you have time, let me know what you like, what you think, and any suggestions. Thanks!

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Thursday, August 27, 2009


LET’S FACE IT. LIFE ISN’T what we would expect. It’s harder and more unfair than we can comprehend. We make mistakes, we fail from time to time, and life dishes out some pretty hard lessons for us to learn.

But, it’s more than that.

Don’t we want more?

We just don’t know what that more looks like, do we?

So, are you living your dreams? Have you made goals, achieved them, and made more that you’re working on right now? Or, are you still waiting?

Aren’t we feeling empty inside and wonder if ‘this’ (you fill in the blank) is all there is to life?

Haven’t we taken life for granted and not counted our blessings as we ought?

What about as individuals? Can’t we be better people? More fulfilled?

What about as Christians? Can’t we be closer to God? Can’t we make Him more of a priority in our lives? Can’t we bring Him more glory? Can’t we cooperate with Him a little more?

But, we want more.

There has to be more to life than this. There has to be more.

We have no doubt that there really is more. Have you found out what the ‘more’ is yet?

As a Christian, I can say the answer is more God is the answer. More of Him in our lives brings more happiness, peacefulness, and joy.

But, what about those who aren’t Christian? What is your more? Is it fulfilling?

What is your more? What are you looking for?

By Stacy Duplease
of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy